Rachel has a few new papers published!

Josh Herr
08 November 2021


While we’re not done documenting Rachel Koch’s work in the laboratory just yet, she and I have a couple of publications focused on the genus Armillaria that are new (published over the past two months).

The first of her new publications, published in mSystems, is focused on the interactions of the mushrooms Entoloma abortivum and species of the genus Armillaria. This was a really fun project to work on! I had envisioned this study 20 years ago and it was really fulfilling to complete this with Rachel! You can find the paper here!

We used public data focused on the genus Armillaria for a paper on the global diversity of the genus. This is published in Frontiers of Microbiology under the Microbes and Virus Interactions with Plants sub-section. You can read that paper here!

While it would have been amazing to have Rachel stick around the lab (things like finances and life happen!), she’s recently taken a position at University of Connecticut! We have more work in the publication pipeline, so stay tuned for more publications from her work in the laboratory!

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